Roosevelt's We Ride Better Together Campaign
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,
what are you doing for others?”
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
We Ride Better Together because collectively we make an incredible impact in our local and global community. That is why we are stepping up our game this Diversity Week to not only learn more about each other in our school but also about local and global issues that need our attention. We are beginning a fundraising campaign to help other teenagers like us to be successful, whether they live in Seattle or another part of the globe.
WE invite you to share this page, these causes, and these issues that desperately need our attention and help. Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the organizations below by the end of March. We have about 1,600 students; that is only $6.50 a student! So, one month to Ride Better Together and collectively impact our community. Pretty powerful stuff!
We chose three local organizations that help raise funds for teenagers from the Puget Sound area and two international organizations to receive our support.
“How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.”
- Anne Frank
Help Roosevelt students help those in need!

Roosevelt High School is a comprehensive high school with over 1650 students. The strength of our program lies within the students, staff and community who all strive to do excellent work and support the success of all of our students. Whether it is academics, arts, activities or athletics, there is something for everyone. Students here actively learn to live in a diverse world and to treat others with dignity and courtesy.